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Established in 1946 we supply the North of Bristol with a wide range of plants tools chemicals and other garden products. We also supply a large range of pet products and are agents for greenhouses and sheds
 Category:  Garden Centres
  Average Reviewer Rating:Average Reviewer Rating=7 7/10 from 3 Reviews
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  • fantastic!!! - I came across this shop almost by accident and I'm so glad I did. My lack of knowledge in most things green presented no problem as I was met by a very friendly,helpful member of staff,I believe his name to be jeff, with an extensive knowledge of his stock. Its most definately a place I'll be frequenting more often.

    Reviewer Rating: 9/10
    By on 15/11/2006

  • Great Little Gem in the City - Visited this shop after it was recommneded to me - like Dr Who\'s Tardis - doesn\'t look big from front - but lots of space at back housing good variety of quality plants at reasonable prices. Would recommend a visit - staff helful and knowledgeable. Site is good - good tips on pest control - a bit slow to update calender sometimes.

    Reviewer Rating: 8/10
    By on 13/8/2005

  • Great stuff - This shop has a brilliant veriaty of stock and with no one forcing you to buy they still give out free advice thats helpfull with a high standerd of products unlike the bigger garden centers. Site Rating 4 Shop Rateing 9

    Reviewer Rating: 4/10
    By on 13/8/2005

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