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Wellsway School | Reviews
Wellsway is an 11-18, mixed comprehensive school maintained by Bath & North East Somerset Local Education Authority situated on the eastern side of Keynsham in a strikingly spacious campus with open, green views Locations: Keynsham 0117 986 4751
 Category:  Schools
  Average Reviewer Rating:Average Reviewer Rating=5 5/10 from 3 Reviews
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Reviews of Wellsway School
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  • Success at Wellsway School - The reputation of Wellsway School forever increases after celebrating specialist status, being designated a sports and science centre of excellence. PE and extra-curricular sport are very strong, and science results are the best in the authority. If that wasn't enough, the popularity of the School was further backed by the MCC, with them granting the school £8,500 for a new Cricket Square.

    Reviewer Rating: 5/10
    By on 17/7/2007

  • Wellsway School - Students are well motivated and self-disciplined, have high standards in all aspects of school life are expected and academic performance is exceptionally good. Wellsway is renowned for extra-curricular activities including sport, music and drama where it has achieved widespread success. Students represent the district, county or region in various sports.

    Reviewer Rating: 5/10
    By on 14/8/2006

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