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Kings Camps, the UK’s leading sports camps and summer camps for children | Reviews
Kings Camps are the UK’s leading providers of sports camps and activity camps with 30 venues across the country. Our children’s holiday activities include over 30 different games and sports, run by our friendly staff teams. We run summer camps and Easter camps combining the best elements of a holiday club, sports camp and activity holiday into 5 days of fun and adventure for kids.
 Category:  Childcare
  Average Reviewer Rating:Average Reviewer Rating=10 10/10 from 2 Reviews
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Reviews of Kings Camps, the UK’s leading sports camps and summer camps for children
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  • King's Camps in Bristol - I sent my son to King's Camps in Bristol last year and it was possibly the best decision I've ever made. The staff were fantastic, friendly and professional and I felt confident him being there. He absolutely loved it and talked non stop about what he'd been doing all week, the sports, activities and friends he'd made! I'd definately reccommend King's Camps for any parent in Bristol

    Reviewer Rating: 10/10
    By on 10/2/2009  Verified Reviewer

  • Great Camp!! - My children have been attending King's Camps for a few years now. For those reading this review you need to feel comfortable sending your children - I can assure you the staff are excellent and things like safety and security very good. Above all that they have a fantastic time full of varied fun activities and the staff are full of fun and life - I can really recommend it!

    Reviewer Rating: 9/10
    By on 5/10/2007

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