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Claims 1,400+ web pages and 9,400+ images of people, history, businesses, and places in Wrington, a parish of c. 2,500 people 10 miles south of Bristol
Suppliers of high quality systems based on Intel and Sun architecture using genuine factory servers. Provide complete server and network solutions. Locations: Kingswood 0117 960 3242
"QEH Theatre is a striking modern building, with a comfortable three-sided auditorium seating 220, creating an intimate and dynamic atmosphere. It provides a quality learning environment for the teaching of Drama and other performing arts such as Music and Dance."
under construction. Domain name will be different.
Locations: Cribbs Causeway 0117 959 1262
"affordable hair care for the whole family" - no appointment salons at The Mall (Cribbs) and The Galleries, Bristol.
Brislington's popularity indicates that it is valued by the local community. With over 1600 children, including Sixth Form students, we are the largest school in the city of Bristol Locations: Brislington 0117 377 2055
A church for all ages. Morning & Evening Worship. Clubs for tots, children, youth & adults Locations: St George 0117 952 5407
  BS23 2HZ   View Map Location  
Braeside is a delightful, family run, nine bedroom guest house hotel which was given a four diamond rating by both VisitBritain and the AA, so although fairly small you can expect quality and service. 9 bedrooms en-suite. Locations: Weston-super-Mare 01934 626642
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