What Is Video Seeding And How To Do It?

With more than 100 hours of video content uploaded to YouTube every single minute, standing out online is a real challenge. Far too many excellently made brand videos have ended up as orphan content, neglected in a vast ocean of digital media.

It is entirely possible to avoid this fate with a considered and carefully approached seeding strategy. In this article for Bristol Online, Aspect Film & Video managing director, Evelyn Timson shows us how.

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Lillicoco explains how to shop for antique jewellery this Christmas

Lillicoco is the creation of Stacey and her partner Simon, who have made it their mission to bring extraordinary and affordable vintage jewellery to the masses. Stacey has taken her experience of working in some of the finest jewellery outlets in Bristol and used it to create her own unique brand. Her expertise, coupled with Simon’s background in photography and keen eye for a special gem has created a very special store.

Lillicoco’s unique handpicked antique jewellery collection is as accessible as it is diverse. And it shows. Stacey and Simon spend hours sourcing every piece and understand that an item of jewellery is much more than a sparkly adornment. These pieces of jewellery all have a different story to tell. They are treasures from the past but the heirlooms of the future, with undoubtedly more owners and more stories to make.

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Top 5 Promotional Merchandise Items in Brand Marketing

In this exclusive article for Bristol Online, Steve Hill, director of Bath-based Bag Workshop, Steve Hill, talks us through his top five all-time timeless promotional brand items.

Marketing has changed almost beyond recognition in the last twenty years or so, a shift that has been driven almost entirely by the digital revolution and the plethora of new platforms and channels it has spawned. But some things never change and in our here, today, gone tomorrow world of digital marketing, the power of promotional marketing through branded merchandise continues to exert a huge influence on consumer behaviours. Continue reading “Top 5 Promotional Merchandise Items in Brand Marketing”

The Power of Motion Graphics in Brand Film

Not every brand has access to big budgets, however, motion graphics needn’t break the bank and clever application can help businesses of all sizes to realise their video marketing visions and establish a strong brand identity.

The internet has fundamentally altered the marketing landscape giving businesses access to new branding strategies and tactics in order to stand out within a fast moving modern marketplace. Motion graphics are one of the most innovative and image defining weapons in any digital marketing arsenal.

In this article for Bristol Online, founder of Bristol-based motion graphics company Ocula, Paul Silcox, talks motion graphics.

Continue reading “The Power of Motion Graphics in Brand Film”

How to Protect Your Business Computers From a Cyber Attack

Only a few months ago, one of the biggest ransomware attacks the world has seen, took systems in over 150 countries hostage, bringing vital organisations like the British NHS, a Spanish telecommunications company and the Russian Interior Ministry to a screeching halt. Although the ransomware attacks mostly hacked businesses and organisations, individuals that ran a Windows operating system on their personal computers were also at risk.

In this post, Dave Blackhurst from Bristol IT support company Evolvit tells you how to keep your business safe and secure from cyber-attack.

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Why summer is the best time to have your boiler serviced?

Now I’m sure for most of our readers, the last thing on their mind is their boiler. Most likely thoughts are on barbeques, festivals and a summer packed full of sporting events and for the lucky one’s holidays in the sun.

It’s actually for those reasons it’s a great opportunity to get on the front foot and ‘make hay while the sun shines’ or should that be ‘repair boiler while the sun shines’! Continue reading “Why summer is the best time to have your boiler serviced?”